The VA disability claims process can be lengthy, with the average time it takes to receive a decision being 11.5 months. It can be frustrating to wait so long for the benefits you deserve. Receiving your benefits in a timely manner allows you to live more comfortably and get rid of any financial stress. By understanding the claims process and taking proactive steps to expedite it, veterans can improve their chances of receiving timely benefits. In this blog, we will be going over common reasons for delays in VA disability claim processing as well as some tips for expediting claims.

man waiting

Common Reasons for Delays in Claims Processing

There are several different reasons why disability claims experience delays. Understanding these reasons is key for veterans seeking benefits in order to be prepared.

Here are some common reasons for delays in claims processing:

  • Incomplete Applications: If a claim is missing necessary documentation or information this can lead to delays. 
  • Backlogs at Regional Offices: If the VA regional office currently has a high number of claims, this can slow down the processing time.
  • Complex Cases: Claims that include multiple disabilities or complicated medical histories may require more processing time. 
  • C&P Exam Scheduling: Delays in scheduling C&P exams can also impact the timeline. Factors such as availability of examiners, location, and the veteran’s condition can influence wait times for these appointments.

These are just some of the few common situations that can cause delays in processing times for claims that veterans should be aware of. 

Tips for Reducing Claim Wait Times

After going through some of the common reasons why claims get delayed, now we will be going over some steps veterans can take to reduce claim wait times. 

  1. Gather Comprehensive Evidence: Having sufficient medical evidence is extremely important for your claim. Some of the types of evidence that should be provided include detailed medical records, service records, and personal statements. Having comprehensive evidence from the beginning can significantly influence the outcome of a claim.
  2.  Utilize the Fully Developed Claim (FDC) Program: One helpful program veterans can utilize to speed up wait times is the Fully Developed Claim Program. This program is designed to expedite the VA disability claims process by allowing veterans to submit a claim with all necessary evidence at once. Veterans will need to complete an application for this program which can be done online through the VA’s eBenefits portal or by using VA Form 21-526EZ.
  3. Submit Your Claim Online: Submitting a VA disability claim online through the VA’s eBenefits portal can also speed up wait times. Online submissions are typically processed more quickly than paper claims. To do this, veterans will need to create an account using the eBenefits portal. This also allows veterans to monitor the status of their claims online easily. 

Consider Seeking Help from a VA Benefits Attorney 

Taking proactive steps to expedite your VA disability claim can lead to faster access to the benefits you deserve. Another way veterans can expedite their claims is by working with a VA benefits attorney. An experienced VA attorney often has established relationships with VA officials and a deep understanding of the claims process. This can help them identify opportunities to expedite the claim.

If you have any questions about the VA disability process, or if you are concerned about a letter you have received from the VA, contact Unruh Law, P.C. right away at 833-753-5168 or through our website and request a free consultation to discuss your situation.