When filing a VA disability claim, several factors can go into whether you will receive a desirable rating. One of the most important aspects of your claim is medical evidence. Medical evidence provides clear evidence that your disability exists and can help prove service connection, which is essential for VA disability claims. Many veterans overlook the importance of providing a sufficient amount of medical evidence and end up receiving low ratings or even a denied claim as a result. In this blog, we will be covering the reasons why medical evidence is essential for supporting a VA disability claim and some of the types of evidence veterans should be sure to include in their claim.
Why Medical Evidence Matters in a VA Disability Claim
Filing a VA disability claim involves much more than just stating that a condition exists; it involves having evidence to back it up. The most important aspect that must be present in your claim is service connection. Service-connection shows that your condition was developed or worsened from your time in service. Without enough evidence present, this can be hard to prove in a VA disability claim. The VA additionally needs a diagnosis from a medical professional, as well as evidence on how the condition affects the veteran’s daily activities. These are the key aspects that must be proven in a VA disability claim, all of which require extensive medical evidence to support.
Types of Medical Evidence That Strengthen Your VA Claim
Strong medical evidence is important in VA claims in order to prove service connection and help veterans receive the highest rating possible. Below are some key types of medical evidence that can help strengthen a VA claim:

- Service Treatment Records: These are records from a veteran’s military service and can include evidence of injuries, illnesses, or conditions that started during service. If a condition was documented while on active duty, it significantly strengthens the case for service connection.
- VA and Private Medical Records: Even if there are no records of a condition in service records, if a veteran received post-service medical treatment, these records can also help with service connection. This can include diagnoses, treatment plans, and progress notes from healthcare providers.
- Compensation & Pension (C&P) Exam Reports: This is an exam often requested by the VA when filing a VA disability claim. While this is not always a requirement, it can be a major factor in the VA’s decision. It involves having an evaluation conducted by a VA doctor to assess disability severity.
- Nexus Letters: These are medical opinions from qualified doctors linking a condition to military service. Nexus letters can be really helpful in situations where the condition wasn’t diagnosed until after service.
Get the Benefits You Deserve – Contact Unruh Law Today!
Medical evidence is non-negotiable when it comes to VA disability claims. Not only can it provide the extra support needed to prove service connection for a condition, but it can also show the severity of the condition, increasing the chances for a higher VA disability rating. With veterans being aware of some of the key types of medical evidence to include in their claim, they can be proactive and streamline the entire process.
Having a VA attorney on your side during this process can make all the difference. They can ensure that you gather proper evidence and prepare a solid claim. Need assistance with your VA disability claim? Unruh Law is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today!