It is an unfortunate fact that many veterans have difficulty obtaining the benefits they deserve. A major example involves collecting payments through the Veterans’ Disability Compensation Program. When veterans now suffer from a physical or mental health condition that impacts their civilian lives and has a basis in their time spent on active duty, they are eligible for cash payments. Even so, the burden lies on veterans to make this connection.
Sadly, many veterans do not meet this requirement in an initial application. This often results in a denial of benefits. Still, you have the ability to appeal this denial as long as you act quickly. It is understandable to ask what to expect when pursuing a VA disability appeal. The team at Unruh Law is here to address each of your questions.

What are My Options for Pursuing an Appeal?
All veterans have the right to pursue an appeal following a Veterans’ Disability Compensation Program denial. This applies both to scenarios where an application results in an outright denial or when the VA assigns a disability rating that is less than what the veteran was expecting.
The Board of Veterans’ Appeals offers you three different methods to pursue an appeal. Each of these options comes with different time expectations as well as different procedures moving forward. These options are:
- A direct review is where a judge reviews the case file with only the current information
- Add new evidence to the file and ask a judge to review the case as a whole
- An in-person hearing with a judge. This can take place via an internet call or at the hearing office in Washington D.C.
Any of these options is available to any veteran. Still, each choice comes with its own time expectations. In any event, it usually takes at least one year from the time of an appeal for the case to come to a resolution. An attorney at Unruh Law could help veterans pick the appeals process that is right for them.
Assisting Veterans in Choosing the Appeals Process that Comes with the Best Chance for Success
The three appeals options each have their own benefits and drawbacks. Selecting the correct choice involves an evaluation of why a denial occurred and determining the appeals path that helps fix these issues.
Veterans looking to receive disability benefits must prove three things. First, they now suffer from a diagnosed medical condition that impacts their day-to-day life. Second, this condition has its roots in time spent on active duty. Third, they received an honorable discharge from the military.
A lawyer at Unruh Law works to evaluate the reason for a veteran’s denial. They could also help to gather additional medical charts or active service records that help make a connection between time on active duty and a person’s current medical status. They then work with veterans to submit timely and comprehensive appeals using the path that has the greatest chance of success.
Contact the team at Unruh Law now. They are ready to listen to your concerns, evaluate your current legal situation, and take the steps necessary to bring you the benefits that you deserve.