People who are dealing with an illness or injury in their civilian life that stems back to their time in the military deserve compensation. The Veterans Disability Compensation Program exists to provide these people with cash payments that they can use to pay the rent, cover the costs of groceries, and make their lives a little easier.
Although the Veterans’ Administration may agree that you have a condition related to time spent on active duty, not every approval is the same. In fact, the VA, in conjunction with your doctors, will assign you a disability rating based on the impact that your medical condition has on your life. This rating is one of the factors that the VA will use to determine your monthly benefit package. Understanding how the VA determines disability ratings and how they affect your payments is key to receiving the benefits you deserve.

The Disability Ratings that Veterans may Receive
The idea of being “disabled” comes with the incorrect idea that a person can neither work nor care for their day-to-day needs. Instead, in terms of the law that the VA follows, being disabled simply means that a person is suffering from a medical condition that impacts their civilian life.
This also means that not every person with a medical condition is equal in the eyes of the law. Indeed, the VA will assign a disability percentage to a person based on the total impact of their diagnosed condition or conditions.
These percentages range from ten to one hundred and increase in ten percent increments. As a result, a person may receive benefits from the VA due to a condition that has only a ten percent impact on their life. The VA makes this determination in conjunction with both VA and private medical providers. The team at Unruh Law is ready to provide more information about the percentages present in VA disability determinations.
The VA Uses Disability Ratings as One Factor in Determining Monthly Benefits
The purpose of any VA disability claim is to collect direct cash payments. To receive any payment, a person must show their disability, that they suffered their condition while on active duty, and that they received an honorable discharge.
Determining a veteran’s disability rating is only one part of the method that the VA uses to make a final payment plan. The VA also considers a person’s family status when calculating payments. According to information from the VA, the agency will also examine whether a person is married, if they have any children, and if they care for other dependents, such as parents.
If a veteran has a disability rating of either ten or 20 percent, their family size will not matter. However, once the rating rises to 30 or more, the VA will take a veteran’s family situation into account. In simple terms, the larger a veteran’s family, the larger the available payments.
Contact Unruh Law Today to Learn More About Disability Ratings and VA Disability Payments
If you now suffer from an injury or illness connected to your time on active duty, you deserve the maximum possible compensation. When determining this compensation, the VA evaluates both your medical conditions and your family situation.
In evaluating medical conditions, the VA will assign you a disability rating of between ten and one hundred percent. They will then examine your family size to determine the final payment amount. Reach out to Unruh Law now with your questions about VA disability ratings and potential benefit packages.